2023’s Greatest Tech Podcasts, As Chosen By hubraum

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Wish you could be an expert on all things tech, but no time to swot up? So thank goodness for podcasts: delivering wisdom in handy half-hour slices that you can consume on the bus or your bike. We wanted to know: what are the best podcasts that our staff are listening to right now, on the topics of tech, business and creativity? And what can you learn from them?

Jerzy Grzesiak, Head of hubraum Krakow: ‘The Twenty-Minute VC’ AND ‘Podcast Biznesowy’

For my English-language recommendation, I’ve had to go for The Twenty-Minute VC. This has the key component that all truly great podcasts have: a witty host. This guy interviews other VCs, founders and tech people on startup-related topics, and I really loved the recent series they did on AI: it was super insightful and provided multiple different perspectives.

For all my Polish podcast-enthusiasts out there, I’d suggest tuning in to Podcast Biznesowy. It’s helmed by Michael Sadowski, who is the software company Brand24’s CEO. He’s a kebab-loving dinosaur from the Polish startup scene and in a nutshell, it’s interviews by a founder with other founders for founders. It’s very insightful, giving a good perspective on common struggles in getting from 0 to 1 and beyond.

Tim Akgül, Program Manager, hubraum Berlin: ‘Pivot’  

This podcast, hosted by the journalist Kara Swisher and Professor Scott Galloway, explores politics, tech and business. It often delves into a topic in one of these sectors which is currently trending. The show hinges on the great relationship the hosts have: they’re not afraid to mock each other, but they’re also empathetic and encouraging. It’s like eavesdropping on an unforgettable friendship. They deliver insights into business topics and politics, interweaving this with their unique way of looking at the world.  I especially enjoyed the section of the podcast focused on “predictions” in which they tell each other future predictions on tech, business or other topics – very often they have ideas and foresight which becomes true.

Sara Takeuchi, Investment Analyst and Scout, hubraum Krakow: ‘Technologicznie’

Don’t miss 'Technologicznie’, hosted by Bartek Pucek and Jarosław Kuźniar. It perfectly blends tech content and business insights in an easy-to-digest way. Bartek Pucek is a tech expert who also invests in early-stage startups as an angel, while Jaroslaw is a journalist who’s an expert in media and communications. Together they take the debate around the latest trends to another level. One example of this was in the episode 'One or many AI?', where they broached the question of whether we are dealing with just one kind of AI or whether there are many types and if so, how do they differ? They address current issues, like what most employers now count as a desirable skill set when it comes to hiring; and striking a balance between using new tech and protecting critical industries like banking. They also draw conclusions about changes (like why Gen Z is retreating from the internet) and challenges (such as how to use AI in business). Highly recommended for any Polish speakers!

Sophie Atkinson, Blog editor, hubraum Berlin, ‘How I Built This’

When it comes to podcasts, my gateway drug was clear: NPR’s ‘Serial’ (an unsettling true crime murder mystery), and then later ‘This American Life’. So it’s not exactly a surprise that NPR are behind my favourite business podcast, which interviews founders about how they created some of the most innovative companies on earth (think: Eventbrite, Tripadvisor, VICE, etc).  

Magdalena Franke, Marketing and Communication Manager, hubraum Berlin: ‘Dobry Przodek’

Okay, so this isn’t a podcast — it’s a series of YouTube videos. But it’s basically just a podcast with visuals! This was created by an ex-hubraum employee, Filip Debowski and it’s a Polish series which focuses on what the role of people should be when it comes to tech, and exploring what it might mean to act with social responsibility in this field. He discusses topics like sustainability and fair growth – I think it’s a great listen for anyone who wants to put conscience back into business. 

Psst! Like what you read? Tune into our hubraum podcast, Tech A Break, which launches soon. In it, we ask tech experts tough questions about futuristic topics. Follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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